Monday, November 26, 2012

Could of been? But then....

This is not a "I hate my life and wish I made different choices" kind of blog. But here lately I have been thinking about if I chose different paths in my past, where would I be today? Would I like who I was? Would I be sincerely happy with myself?

For example, if I did choose to go to the Art Institute of Chicago back in 2002 would I be living in the windy city? Would I be working in a large design firm?

Or lets go back a little further if I didn't go that route to school that morning in high school... would my life be different? Would I be different?

Things have been playing over and over and over in my head of what could have been.

But then again, if those things did actually take place... I wouldn't be who the person I am today. I wouldn't have the relationships that I have today. I wouldn't be the woman who've I become. I wouldn't have gone to the places that I've been too. I wouldn't have been as impacted, touched, and blessed as I am now.

I'm human though... I just wonder sometimes....


Saturday, October 13, 2012

It was a clear as day (with no rain) message to me

This past Friday my plans were really scattered. Last Sunday at church David Maynard, the owner of the campground "Pleasant Vineyard Ministries," made an announcement about an art retreat going on this weekend at the camp. They had something like this like 2 years ago, I remember that I wanted to attend it then too, but was unable to do so. So I approached him about attending this weekend.... Long story short... I did go.

But that isn't the odd... ok not odd. Let's say SLAP in my face, telling me that I should go. All day I had been bouncing back and forth, then juggling a bunch of ideas for "Friday night festivities." In the forefront of my mind was this retreat, but then the fact that I had NOTHING packed... clothes, bedding,  bathroom materials, as well as my acrylic art supplies; including brushes, paper towels, etc. As well, I needed to find a book that I was willing to turn it into something different. So I guessed, or "made my mind up not to go" (because I wasn't ready to go). Kinda bummed, I had settled on going to small group that's on Friday nights, because I hadn't been in at least 2 months (school reasons, and lack of cash for gas). But then something really odd happend, or should I say devine. My last friend (student) left at like 4:30, and I spent like 30-45 minutes closing my room. I even double checked things TWICE. So I clocked out at like 5:15 PM. So I made a phone call to my friend David to see if everything was still standing with his offer to me.

I had time to go home, change my shirt, and I grabbed three books: Crazy Love, and my two books of poetry that I've written in over the past 5 years. In the back of my mind I really didn't want to take apart these two books, but I grabbed them any way.

Going to the camp, turns out that it's only like 10 minutes from my house!! So I actually got there at like 6:30ish. How can I say that I wasn't ment to be there?

The name of this retreat was: Spiritual Awakenings; A Creativity Retreat

When I got there during the time when Trisha McKinney was giving us the run down on what exactly we'd be doing, I really realized I did not want to do what was being talked about doing to our books. Everybody else had books that were hard-backed, had thick pages, etc... I then realized that I did have a book that I could use. It was the Beth Moore book Living Free. I had this book in the trunk of my car right after I graduated from SAA. So we are talking that it's been in my car's trunk for like 7 years.

While everyone else was prepping their books/pages; I was taking everything out of my trunk to find this book. In the midst of my search I started have a little freak out attack because it wasn't exactly where I thought I had seen it last. It was under the "fold" out seat that I won from the American Heart Association's "Walk-a-thon."

Since I didn't have anything else with me so all I did was just prep for actually painting the next day.

This was the name tage that Trisha made for us:

Now I didn't get the entire book completed. But I did get a few pages finished, as well as I got a good head start on 3 other pages.

This is the cover:

These next two pieces are on both sides of the book. As well I've covered all the words except for 7: "Ministry, Guiding believers, God, I will, Pray, Abundant Life."

As well in my gesso that I painted as my base I wrote in the wet paint, on the right side; "We are" & the left side; "Forever love."

The next one I actually cut from the book as a free piece of paper. I reenforced the page with a thicker piece of paper and covered one side in gesso. I attempted so much with this paper, and I never liked what it came out to be. This being said, this piece was actually my first attempted at this new style of painting.  It's still not finished. But you can see what it is now. I originally had a lot of words picked out for this page. But now there is only one word that, technically, not painted, but it accidentally kinda is, "Relying." 

This next one came out, I think rather, cool! The main idea of this page was "Strongholds." The title pf this page in the book was, "Demolishing Strongholds" and I liked it, so I kept it. A well, "A Mighty Fortress, Strong, Did not have to be afraid." And scripture, "With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth" and "The Lord is my light... whom shall I be afraid."

The next one I used leaves on, Halloween Spider Webbing (which I took off when it was dry), tape used for drywalling (it has tiny holes in it, I don't know what it's called exactly), and wrote in the we gesso "Your my all and all" (and I just realized that's poor grammer.... crap). The words I left visible  "Belief, Believer, and Holy Spirit"

This next one may or may not be competed? I'm not exactly sure... but the words that I left unpainted are: "Trustworthy and relationship"

The last two pages that I started are not finished :o(
But I think they look pretty good so far! These two pages are actually in the book where as the last 3 I actually cut/ripped out of the book.
The words that are in these two pages are: "Purpose, Jesus, love, and happy" on page 1st

Then on the 2nd page: "Promising, determination, powerful, and Hallelujah."

What I found very interesting was the fact that the word that I got for this retreat was "Purpose." I have a feeling that I'm suppose to get back to my painting?

Oh I want too.... so badly. But the time right now that I do have... or not is completely soaked up by work, school, and homework. Speaking of which I have two pages to write for my MTH 116 A class group data analysis by tomorrow night (need to be DONE.... ready to merge with my groups corresponding 4 pages). BLAH.... ARGH.... freaking out a bit.... BLAH.....

I haven't felt centered, relaxed, able to totally be one with the Father for a while!!! I SO NEEDED THESE PAST TWO DAYS!!!! That word "Purpose" to me means that I am where I am suppose to be. That God has a devine purpose for this specific time in my life. And all the aggravation that I deal with pertaining to my course work, scheduling test times with both ODR and my job, tutoring (for SPN 101), meeting up with Butler Co. Disability Services (to see about help with costs of school), and an entire variety of other things; it all has meaning. I need to slow down and savor each step, test, discussion (with any one about anything), and take in every little thing (Color, tone (musical or not), emotion, experience).

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cardiomyopathy and Saddle Thrombus?

This is my child, Jeremiah Lee. I adopted him in August of 2003. He was born June 24, 2003. AMAZING cat!!! Really seriously great friend to me throughout the years. He knows how to read me very well! He has this sense that he knows my moods, you know happy and sad.

July 19, 2012 I came home from work to find him laying on the floor in the hall, infront of the bathroom. I called out his name. Jeremiah looked up at me and started to attempt to get up and come to me (like he normally does), but he couldn't. I went to him and stood him up on all fours and he fell to the left side. Not able to stand at all.

I immediately called Banfield (with only a matter of minutes left till they closed). They referred me to call Grady 24hr Emergency Vet. I took him there right away. The woman behind the counter took Jeremiah from my arms and straight to the back. About 45 minutes later the Vet came into the little room that they put us in to talk about him. She had many theories of what could have happened. The main thing that she highly suspected is that he threw a clot in his spine. For another word he suffered from a stroke in his back. She assured me that this wasn't a progression of symptoms, and that he suffered from this while I was at work that day. They wanted to keep him for a total of 48 hours, but they only kept him for 24 hours.  They kept him on IV's and started steroids and baby aspirin.

When I picked him up he was just looking amazing!! Stinky, but amazing!!!

He did SOOOOO good after that frightful Thursday!!! When he got home Friday night he walked around the house to make sure everything looked the same.

That's how he was up until I left to house sit for my cousin, at least as far as I know up till yesterday/this morning.

I was on my way to the Cincinnati Vineyard Community Church to do the Good Sam Run Outreach when I get a phone call from my dad, about Jeremiah. Having an episode like he had last month. I was on 747, headed into Springdale when I got dad's call. I immediately turned down Port Union Road to shoot up By Pass 4 then home.

The vet was looking at him for a few minutes in the back (I watched while he did this with a door between us). He came in and suggested that he "may have a Hyperthyroid" I stopped him mid-sentence and said that the blood results came back and said he didn't have that. He looked at me and pretty much said "How do you know" kind of expression on his face. I then got my cell phone out and played him the message that Dr Hardig left me regarding his results.

He excused himself so that he can throughly review Jeremiah's medical records to know a better approach to treating his condition. When he came back in his said that his blood work up was really good. And just in looking at that one wouldn't think anything is wrong with him.

He asked me if anyone has taken pictures of his chest, I told him no. Then he started talking about the possibility of Jeremiah having something wrong with his heart. I internally started to freak out. When he sent his vet tech in to talk about the cost of the x-ray, and told me that they would cost me $140's. I knew/know I didn't have the money for it. So I called my dad.

Dad and I had a talk... that I needed to be prepared to make an important decision for Jeremiah here, maybe, soon. By then I was nothing but tears. I need to think about his quality of life from here on out. Thinking and praying hard. I stick my head out the door that went back to where they kept the pets and did all their work with them, to ask the doctor to come in and talk to him more about Jeremiah's quality of life. I'm still crying, and trying to hold it together to have a, some what, civilized conversation with this vet. He told me that he couldn't give me a defiant answer with out the x-rays.

About a hour later they called me and told me that the x-rays were in and that the vet would like to speak to me. When I got back to Banfield the vet asked me to step back in the back to see both slides next to each other. He told me that it was just as he suspected with his heart. He has cardiomyopathy with saddle thrombus. He wants to keep him on his aspirin and Prednisone schedule. But he also wanted to add in there another drug; Enalapril. So he's on those three now, plus Amoxicillin and eye drops.

But that wasn't all. His G.I. system is backed up, as well it showed his bladder was full. The vet said that when the tech put the litter box in the cage with him he went to the bathroom. What concerned him was that his BM was so dark (like dark chocolate- dark). He said that it could mean that he's digesting blood, meaning he may have tumor in his large intestine. So he put Jeremiah on a laxatone gel that you can put on a cat's foot,  on their nose, or in their food. I'm going to put it in his food. To help get things moving easier for him.

While we were in the little clinic room, Jeremiah was walking around the room. Stiff legged, but walking around. He wasn't doing that when I picked him up from my dad's. Before Jeremiah and I left the vet went ahead and gave him his med's (the one that I had there with me, and the Enalapril). When I got him home he received the rest of his drugs (but they aren't the "happy kind"). The vet wanted to call me tomorrow (or today since now it's the 11th) and see how he's doing. But I won't be hom until later on. So I told them that I would call them on Monday about how Jeremiah is doing.

Needless to say that I didn't make it to the Good Sam Run today. But that's okay. I did however drive over 140 miles in all from 9 AM to about 7 PM. That would be going from my cousin's house (or in the vicinity of their house) to my dad's house, to get Jeremiah, then back to the Bridgewater Falls area, to the vet. Then from the vet's back to my dad's, because he helped me out with the cost of the x-rays. Then back to the Vet to get Jeremiah, and take him back to dad's house. Then I went to Wal-mart in Oxford to get a kitty litter box that had a top to it, then back to dad's house. To drive back to my cousin's place to feed her babies. Then I went to the Cincinnati Vineyard's celebration service tonight, then back to the house. I didn't want to go, but I did.

I called Stephanie to see how he was doing. She called me back. He's pretty much acting like he did this morning. I wish I was there with him!! I'll be home tomorrow.... I just hope he's doing better!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

One world order = End times coming VERY SOON

Ok, so I didn't write this post. My friend Dan Stange wrote it as his status update yesterday, about Obama care:

"So I'm going to get up on a soapbox here. I highly recommend you at least read through this whether you agree with me or not. 
Having intelligent thoughts and/or conversation is always welcome.

I am going to preface this by saying a couple of things. First off, I am a healthcare provider, so I see a lot of things first hand. From health care costs, health insurance premium costs, to both proper and improper use of the Medicaid system. I also know what it is like to be unemployed for a year while looking for work.

I do not know who all has been keeping track, but one of the provisions of the Healthcare act, otherwise known as Obamacare is to require every single american to HAVE to carry health insurance. That may not sound like a terrible thing at first glance, but let us consider the facts.

The supreme court has ruled on this clause in the act. They have two choices:
Find the mandate unconstitutional
Say it IS constitutional, and counts as a 'Tax'. The only way it is constitutionally supported to force people to pay anything to the government is by calling it a tax.

The supreme court ruled that it counts as a Tax.

So now we're left with choices, either we take insurance through our work IF we have a job, you find your own insurance plan and pay for it out of pocket (an extra bill), or you are REQUIRED to pay the government for their healthcare plan (an extra bill).

So worst case scenario, Obamacare is unconstitutional.
Best case scenario, it is in fact a tax. As a tax, it is going to flat out be the MOST expensive tax in the country outside of income tax and property tax.

What many people don't realize is that while it costs an individual about $150 a month to take insurance through a place they work, their workplace is paying for the majority of that healthcare coverage. In fact, if the workplace were not paying their share of your health benefits, it would cost anywhere from $300 to $600 per month to pay for the entire thing yourself, and that is a conservative estimate.

Let's say you have a person that does not work, but they have too much pride to take the 'free handout' of a Medicaid program. They are getting by doing odd jobs and making money on the side because they do not have a lot of bills.
Along comes Obamacare, and this person HAS to take an insurance plan. They may have been looking for a steady job for a year now with no luck, so work insurance is not an option. They cannot afford to pay the rate if they have no workplace paying a share of the healthcare. Their options now are pay this so-called tax and not have any money for themselves, or sign up for the Medicaid program they do not want.

But wait,
People argue that this is acceptable, like 'car insurance being required'.
These things are not the same. Car insurance is required so that some jackass doesn't hit you in his car and stick you with the bill because he cannot pay you back. It is liability only that is required, not full coverage. Your healthcare is in your own hands.

If you choose to take the risk of not fully insuring your car against accidents that are your fault, that is acceptable. You have that choice.

If you choose to take the risk of not insuring your healthcare, while not necessarily the best idea, this will no longer be an option. Your healthcare is much more similar to full coverage than to liability, as your actions directly affect your risk of needing that service, and they should both be optional.

So let's look at the implications of this mandate. First off, they're requiring you to take a service you may have no interest in paying for.

Secondly, this will actually put an undue burden on people that lack jobs and/or money in an already struggling economy.

Here are some hypothetical situations just to get people thinking about the ramifications of this act.

Situation one, a person loses their job for a year. (NOT impossible in this day and age) What if they cannot afford to pay for health insurance, and decide instead to be extra healthy and careful not to be injured while they are out of work.

Along comes Obamacare, and now this person is REQUIRED to pay for a health insurance service they do not want. They planned on being careful and staying healthy, now they have a bill for an extra couple hundred dollars a month. This now puts an extra burden on the individual.

Situation two, a person does have a job, but it does not offer benefits and does not pay well. They took a crap job in a bad economy to pay their bills.
This person does not take out a health insurance plan either because their job's plan is too expensive, and on their low income they cannot afford to take that much money out of their check each month.

Along comes Obamacare. This person who was just getting by now HAS to take health insurance. They now can no longer afford their bills. They are left with two options now: Keep working and not be able to afford this additional bill and possibly lose their home, or stop working and apply for Medicaid and get to keep their home. The easier choice is obvious. I know not everyone is in a marginal situation such as this, but just watch, our tax payer dollars will be spent even more to support the Medicaid system, because if your choices are work and pay this extra bill you cannot afford, or don't work and have the state pay your bills, it's an easy choice, but not one that helps the rest of the taxpayers. But who can blame them? The government is essentially backing EVERYONE into a corner with this act.

So remember,
Best case scenario is that this is a very high tax on any people that are not working, not making enough money and want to opt out of paying for healthcare, or an additional tax on people single people that cannot find a job. This will shift more and more people onto the Medicaid state systems and foodstamps simply out of lack of choice.

So Best case is Obamacare is increasing taxes by a substantial amount.

Worst case scenario, Obamacare is taking away our rights as Americans and is just flat out unconstitutional.

Say what you will, un-friend me if you must, but I say to you this:

It is unethical, and un-american to require people to take a service they have to pay for against their will.

Romney has vowed to repeal Obamacare if elected.
Republicans need only 4/12 open seats in Congress this year to get a majority, and they want to repeal this act as well.

A vote for ANYONE that is not Obama in 2012 is either a vote to protect our constitutional rights, or a vote to avoid unduly high taxation.

Either way, I urge people to avoid paying this additional tax, and keep our rights from being taken away 1 step at a time.

Vote for anyone but Obama in 2012. Sure he's charismatic, but from all reports I've heard so were a lot of leaders in history that are now deemed terrible.

I am not asking you to become republican. I am simply asking you to take a step back and look at the situation objectively, and evaluate who is going to protect our liberties the most come election day.

I know who has already shown they want to take away our liberties.
I know how I will vote this year."

I really feel like this is more signs of "end times." People in politics have already started talking about changing our currency to the uro. Now health care? For the low income people who are single, have families, single and have children forcing them to pay for this is like saying, "Maybe suicide is the better option?" 

My spirit is saying that this is what it is.... Some say that this could start a revolution... I just say God may be sending his Son sooner than some of us may think. I know what will happen to me when the rapture happens, I'm gonna see my Jesus. What will happen to you?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Forgotten Letter

Okay so last fall.... early winter I wrote (yes, pen and paper) a letter to the lead singer of the Contemporary Christian Group; Addison Road, Jenny Simmons. My letter was about how the song, What do I know of Holy? challenged me as a christian, a single woman, and inspired me to keep on keeping on with where I am at right now in this journey called "life." Not to mention my letter was like 3 pages long (one sided).

TOTALLY forgot about the letter!!!!

Today with my thoughts completely submerged in my finals, if I'm going to pass with a "B" or a "C" in my ENG 336 class, the looming last final of the year this Saturday at 12:20 my brain was seriously spinning at a pace that no stress level should ever reach. When I got home this evening I walked to the mail box to get our mail (duh), opened the box to see a little pink envelope sitting on top of like 3 other articles of mail. And it was addressed to myself. I LOVE getting mail, especially if it's not a bill!!! As I'm sure all of you enjoy it too!! I look at the return address and it said it came from Irving, TX. My first thought was that it was from Premier Designs' home office, or prayer minister's of the business. But to my delight it wasn't (not that getting a card or something nice from them isn't a delight... b/c it is).

This card, with a hand written letter inside, was from Jenny Simmons. It's funny how God's timing works out sometime, and in the same way it is completely perfect!!!

She opens up her letter with the fact that her family and her are in the process of moving to Nashville, TN and as they were packing and moving some furniture when she found my letter, unopened. So she apologized that it was miss placed. She spoke about how when you are 30 one get a sense of "settled-ness" that comes with this age. Not so much in the "plans" but in the sense that - who you are starts to grow roots and flourish and all of the sudden we get it and can say, "Oh- so that is how God created me." Settling into yourself - In my case; even in the midst of going back to school, working, etc. She goes on to say/state that it is perhaps what has allowed me to finally embrace the voice & art that God had put inside of me.

Jenny goes on to quote her father, "God will not call you to something only once, but will whisper... sometimes scream it to you time and time again." She goes on to tell me that it seemed that He keeps drawing me back to be the one who captures and creates beauty. As artists we are called to express beauty, expose truth, and question everything in between.

"I wonder what hand questions God will face people with through YOUR ART?" She goes on to encourage me, "Stay faithful and be courageous."

Like I said I needed this today.

Yey God!!!! I love you Abba!!!!

A's in all my classes but one ='s no happy dance for me this semester

My week is going soooooo extremely slow. But I guess that's the nature of the beast when it's finals week? I'm doing pretty good.... I have had two, I totally rocked out a 100% on my EDT 190 (a what "teaching really means" kind of class) and I'm not too sure about my ENG 226 (a creative writing class, and I think this prof is a total creeper) but I have a really high A before the final so I'm sure I aced this as well. 2 down 2 left to go. The one today is an "Applied Learning Project" paper that has to be 5-7 pages long.... and I'm 10 lines past 7 pages. I'm freaking out just a little bit, b/c yes I will get docked points for it being over. I have spent hours pouring over the paper and have cut a lot out... as well my friend has looked over it and found nothing to cut. This is the only class I'm worried about, I have A's in all my other classes, but this class I have totally no clue what I have. The professor is not as informative as the other ones I have or have had.

For the proposal we had to submit for this "ALP" final paper, we had to have some "Works Cited" listed in the proposal. I had been looking for things I could use in my research but I was unable to locate anything pertaining to my topic of choice because it was such a very broad topic. So I submitted it with nothing cited, because I had nothing to cite. With that being said, I had noticed that under the Niihka grade book for this class (my grades) I had a 0/25 for the proposal. I had mentioned something to her about the "0," and she said that "I should look in the 'notes' section as to why it says zero. I never give zero's without a comment or reasoning." Well, I looked... NO COMMENTS. I resend her my proposal like she asked me too, and she responded with that fact that I had stated about the cited material, that she would only give me a 12.5/25 points.

I have a 40/50 for our "Group lead student discussion." NO OTHER GRADES ARE LISTED!!! I know I have to do a few blogs (at 10 pts a blog I have about 4 to do today) about some of the readings we had in class.... easy cheezy stuff. But I'm seriously FREAKING about this STUPID PAPER!!!!

For my visual for this ALP final (when we had like 15 min's to present our project in the class) I did a painting/illustration of a little slave boy.

I save the jpg to my flash drive on my key chain and took it to Wal-Mart and had an 8x10 printed. I titled the picture "Ray" and wrote the class info at the bottom right corner with my signature and year. I plan to give this too her when I return the books to her in a little bit. I guess you can say I'm "kissing up" to her better nature (or at least hope to) so I can get by with the 10 extra lines in my paper?

When I presented my project to the class, it went over good (at least I thought it did...). When I was collecting my material (books, papers, and the painting) when I was finished present it, she said "Now, you said I could have that painting right?" Um... no.... I responded with, "Ya sure you can have it... but I'll need $250's when I give it too you." After saying that I think the price should be a little higher? What do you all think?

But I'm stressed... my heart feels like it's beating OUT OF MY CHEST and my hands are shaking (at least it feels like this).

I need to get moving.... BLAH!! 

I'm out............................................................................ 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sex Exploitation.... I THINK NOT!!!!

Ok confession here....

For the past 11 months I have been on I did the 6 months at first and didn't meet anyone, so I got my next 6 months free. My freeness will be up on May 19th, and NO I will not be renewing... more like I'll be deleting. STILL haven't met anyone worth while. Seems to be that most the guys that are on this site are looking for an easy lay.

My profile, at least I think, talks about how important my relationship with my Heavenly Father is & how I think for my spouse (or any man I date, or consider to) should be as well. I do not want to be unevenly yoked what so ever. That means just a lot of unneeded pain that I will only call upon myself if I should be.

With all that being said I woke this morning to find a notification in my email saying that someone emailed me from match. This is a screen shot from my phone of what the email said...

Needless to say I totally blocked him!! It's time like this when I feel like all hope is so lost in the dating world!

I mean what would even give this creep the idea that I would just have a radically random "hook up?"

What a way to even begin a day.... I'm seriously more than creeped out!!!! As well, I'm very highly insulted!!!

But I am NOT going to let it ruin this beautiful day!!! I'm gonna go to work (at the Goddard School) and rock the day out with some amazing 4 year olds!!! Then I'm going to come home and do homework. C'est la vie

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Mistake of going to McDonald's today!!!

My very horrible experience today at McDonald's. Don't hate, I normally don't go there but I needed to get some food in my system to take some pain med's for my headache that was getting bad. Today was the last day I ever go there again!!! This letter went to the Owner/Operator as well as McDonald's head quarter in Oak Brook, IL. 

I'm a writer.... don't piss me off!!! I can tell a person off withOUT using cuss words!!!!

To Whom It May Concern:

This morning on my way to class I had stopped off at a gas station to get some pain reliever for my headache, and had planned to swing in and out of McDonald’s drive through so I had some food in my stomach when I took the pain reliever. When I got to McDonalds on the corner of Main St and Oxford State Rd, I notice the drive thru wasn’t that long so chose to go that route rather than going inside. Boy was I entirely wrong. I arrived in the drive thru at approximately 10:30 AM. I had to wait my turn for ordering because there was a utility van ordering in front of me.  I ordered a little after 10:30; 6 count nugget and a small fry (generally speaking that was the most normal part of my time in the drive thru). I place my order, and then have to wait in my car for a very long time just to get to the first window, and I give the young lady my payment. She in turn did NOT give me a receipt. Next I had to wait again for a rather longer period of time. There were three cars in front of me (or so it looked to seem that) with a bigger car in the waiting spot after the second window. I watched as the food was being handed to each car… very slowly… and it didn’t seem like anyone had a big order. I pull out of the drive thru at 10:44-10:45 AM. An entire 15 minutes in a drive thru is not by any standards explainable!! I told another young lady who handed my food that, if I had the time now I would come in and talk to the manager. But as it was I was going to be extremely late for my first of many classes today, I told her that I would be back later on this afternoon. While driving to class I called a friend to look up this location’s phone number, because I didn’t have a receipt for the manager to reference because I was not given one. He texted it too me, and I follow suit in calling the restaurant. I called them TWO times and both times it just rang and rang, then it sounded as if someone picked up and directly hung up. BOTH TIMES!

After my last class I stopped in to the restaurant to see about getting this situation rectified. Again, this time was just as bad as it was when I was in the drive thru, if not worse. I walked up to the person taking guest’s food orders and asked to speak to a manager, and just took a step back to observe what was going on. I counted 3 drive thru orders coming back into the establishment because either their order was not right, or something was left out. As well the young lady that was handing the food out the window stated rather loudly, “After I hand this food out the window I’m clocking out and going home! My shift is over!” Pretty much her declaration that the restaurant is on it’s own, whether her relief was there or not. As well, I did notice that there were a few people standing around while a tall skinny man in a black shirt with light gray pin stripes (I will find out after a wait he was a supervisor/manager) was doing all the food expediting, while I stood there waiting to talk with him.

When we did actually speak about what happened this morning, I knew full and well that he (Bill) was not working. I explained to him that the actions that occurred in the drive thru this morning almost made me late for my class, and as well that I had tried to call the store but was pretty much hung up on both times I tried to call. He then asked me what I wanted him to do about the circumstance. I told him that he could give me some coupons to rectify the problem or give me a full refund back. He excused himself to go and look for some coupons. When he came back up to the front he had two in his hand that said in big bold print “Buy one and get another one for just one cent.” I told him that it kind of defeats my purpose for coming back to the store to have this issue resolved when I have to spend more of my own money to be treated badly yet again. He didn’t get what I was saying, so I explained my reasoning again to him, and after a few minutes he (I hope) saw my point. He excused himself again to go and look for anything else, and came back with nothing. He asked me again what he could do to make this problem correct? I said that I would take a full refund, and told him what I ordered this morning: a 6 piece chicken nugget and a small fry. He said that because I did not have my receipt that he could not give me a refund because that would make his drawer(s) short. So I asked him his question that he has now asked me two times, “So what can you do to rectify this situation, sir?” He proceeded to ask me if I wanted anything right then, I did not. I had just witnessed 3 orders messed up, a rude employee, and I was not hungry, I just wanted to have this situation corrected or receive my money back in full and get out of there to go home and study for my finals. As it was I was already there for probably a good 20 to 30 minutes trying to resolve this issue. Bill then told me that I could come back to the restaurant and order something at a later date. I was sort of taken aback by this because he did not want my name and phone number to have on file for the other management to see. He told me to just tell them “Bill said it was okay.” I feel this would make me look like a fool when and if I was to come back and say this.

I have been through this drive thru on another occasion. My wait in the drive thru was just as long if not longer. However, this time there was a line in the drive thru. So I just took that as the circumstance. But today, both times and the phone call I tried to make, was totally irrevocably totally unexplainable! I think about the first time I was there and had a long stent in the drive thru, maybe this is how this operation of a business actually runs? If this is so, it’s extremely poor; poor customer relations/service, poor timeliness, poor employee attitude’s, poor order accuracy, and very poor standards that they not even try to hold the “McDonald’s” name brand too.

A very unsatisfied customer

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Running inside my brain x2 - Dedication worries voiced

For those who have been following my blogs about my painting know that it is finished now. It's 100% finished.... it's now framed and ready to be hung on my church's wall! I'm so excited about this as well!!

Well, they are having a night of dedication or a sort of unveiling for it. I haven't made a facebook invite because I want this to be kept small and very intimate night of giving thanks to Abba for what he has done in our life. I've only printed a handful of invitations that went to dear family & friends, some pastors who've had a positive impact on my Christian walk, and some of my art mentors who have had a hand in helping me become more creative. As well, the invitation is open to my church members.

It will consist of worship lead by my friend Jim, his acoustic guitar (3 or 4 songs broken down), and myself. Prayer is totally going to happen, and I'm going to be talking a little bit about the illustration itself. Where I was (emotionally) when I started it, what happened before I started, and how God had his hand in every stroke I did while I was painting. I'm going to speak about how I've grown more in love with his love and his gifts that He so freely gives to us. I'm going to talk about the next piece that I am going to get started on. This will probably started at the beginning of summer.... I'm waiting on God for the specifics of when I should move.

So what's the worry? Well, I have passed/mailed all but a few invitations out and only one person has responded telling me that they will be there. On the other hand I have had a bunch of other people tell me flat out that they won't be there. And more or less should have consulted them when I was thinking about the date and time. 

This isn't about who I can get there, or want to be shown support or anything. It's about God first and foremost. I wanted to share what has been coming together over the past year, as well as fellowship. Some of the people who I have invited I haven't seen in a very long time, and I will admit, it will be nice to see them again. Everyone that I have invited has had an impact on me in some way shape and form, as well good, bad, and indifferent. 

I have to be honest. I seriously expecting few to show.... because it seems that happens whenever I "try" to plan something those that I invite tend to not show, no matter what the invitation. It would feel nice to have that affirmation from people I consider to be close to me. PLEASE do not think that this is a sort of pity party... I've been fighting off these things for quite sometime now... and I can't contain them any longer. 

I know that who shows to this dedication is suppose to be there.... I just need to let go and let God. I'm worried about it... stressed about it... and wondering what's going to happen at it. I guess you can say that I'm trying to control it, and that's not good.  

Running inside my brain

A lot.... Ok, no that is not even close, a good comparison is the Grand Canyon's divide worth is how much is on is running in and out of my mind. It has been going and going and going since last Friday. 

It all started Thursday with me getting a pink slip from my post lady, telling me that I had some certified mail waiting for me at the post office (since no one was here to sign for it). So I leave early for work Friday morning so I could go and get what was waiting for my John Hancock at the post office. Low and behold it was from my so called attorney. The package was an 81/2x11 manilla envelope that was about an inch thick. Walking back to my car I open it to read the top letter telling me that, "I withdraw and terminate the legal representation."  Basically, he fires me. Inside the envelope was the documents that I SUPPLIED TO HIM during the time he so called represented me. All he did was PUSH PAPER around to seem like he was doing something. He did not do a thing for me. No matter how much you say he "did," I really beg to differ.  

When I got back to my car I called a friend who I go to church with. I had found out the previous Sunday that he's an attorney. I felt bad because we have spoken numerous times, and I never asked once what he does for a living. I guess it didn't matter? I digress.... I called him and told him what I had just received. He then asked me some questions regarding the accident.... details that can be found here. Then we set it up to meet up in his office tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM to talk about the details further. 

I gotta be honest here.... I am not really looking forward to this. Reasons being that I've spoken to a few different lawyers about my case to see if they would take it on and they told me "No." 

This jack of spades had me do somethings that I'm regretting. I.e. Hire a guy (who is by all means nice and great) to reconstruct the accident... but he cost me about $1600's to hire. Then this "attorney" told me that there was at least a $500 filing fee to get my case into the court for a judge and jury to hear. Not to mention that to depose the man who reconstructed the accident was $150's and my chiropractor was about the same, to be paid by myself. HUH?! WHAT! I am STILL paying on that $1600's bill and he wanted me to do what? 

Ok I'm still going out on a tangent.... but back to my running in my brain. 

I'm worried... and I know that it says in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." 

I don't know what I am too do? Looking the bills and where they currently sit.... I owe about $5000's in medical bills, $900's to the accident re-constructionist (minus what I've already paid to him which is $700's), and I've paid my deductible to get my car fixed $250's, and then what my insurance paid out to get my car fixed $2557.31. 

Do I go ahead and hire my friend to represent me, and still pay him 30% when I've done all the leg work already.... I just need the representation now? I know I need to put it before the Lord, lay it at His feet and NOT pick it up. I need peace right now.... A LARGE amount because it doesn't stop just at this.... 

I'm posting two blogs tonight because the next one is about an entire different thing of worry... 

Oh the joy... Not really.... that's just sarcasm 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Borders of Your Identity

When I was a child I remember my parents giving me a drawing set. In this set I was able to draw and design wedding dresses, summer dresses, and outfits. I remember I would spend hours drawing with the things that came with the set. Creating new ideas for clothes that maybe could some day be made real. I was young, maybe 9 or 10 years old. The last thing I remember drawing with this set was my future “wedding” dress. Though my thoughts about this dress have dramatically changed, I can still remember the reasons for each color I had used in this dress. The most important color of this dress was surprisingly not white, though white was the dominant color of this dress. But the main color of this dress was purple because in the Old Testament purple stood for royalty.
  In 8th grade I remember being in my art class at Edgewood Middle School, with Mrs. King as my teacher. We were creating things from clay; I had come up with this thought of making a jewelry box for my cousin. I also remember weaving something together. I vaguely remember a piece of cardboard, maybe the size of 6x9” or 5x7,” using it as a loom of some sort. I remember taking things from outside (twigs, tall pieces of grass, bark, flower stems, pedals) and with yarn weaving them together, creating a miniature blanket of these beautiful earth tones with focal elements from the world in it. In creating these two things gave me great joy and passion.
Today my life in art has changed, or if you will sort of evolved into my identity. I am always looking for my next image to paint, draw, or simply capture in a picture.  During my day most of my words has some kind of musical tone, or so I hope. When I am painting or drawing I am thinking about what is the next step, or the next color? What are the hues that I need to mix to get to the color that I have pictured in my mind?  At the moment when you walk into my room there is this fragrant odor. If you are not a painter, you might think that one had just painted the walls or re-stained the hardwood floors. To me this smell is sweet, and inspiring. When time has past since I have last sat for a while in front of my 6-foot easel, painting, I feel lost. I can still smell the sweet sent of the oils I painted last, and it feels as if they are crying out to me to be added too on a canvas that is 38”x48”s. When all of my supplies are put away, not only does my room have an amazing aroma, but also one can see where I usually keep my things while I am actually painting. There is a small spot on my hardwood floor from where my turpentine has eroded the finish off the floor. There is oil paint on numerous articles of my clothes, my towels, and my bed linens have been kissed by wondrous colors used in an illustration. In the corner by the TV, the opposite corner of the painting, is where illustrations from my past rest. Through this stack you can see where I have come from, and how much I have developed in my competence as an artist. Under my bed lies two portfolio cases, and in them is more work that was created by my hands.
In my life as an artist today many of those same passions are still as fervent as they were when I was a child, if not more than they’ve ever been. After going to an art college and honing in on my talent, or my skill, I feel as if I am able to call myself an “Artist” now, compared to when I was a preadolescent. When I am working with my hands, i.e. drawing, painting, sculpting, cooking, etc., I get into this zone that I don’t live in on a daily basis. When I am here it is like I am not aware of my surroundings, just what is in front of me. I feel free of stress from my daily life (work, school, family). While I’m on the path to get to this zone I have music playing softly to help drown out the negatives that may be in my thoughts, in my heart, or actually resounding in my house. Once I am finally in this zone of complete artistry, I feel like I am in constant communication with my Heavenly Father. Physically it is me who is painting, but it is the Father who is guiding my hands, telling what color to paint, and what is to be done next. Here I am in my Father’s arms and he is doting on me and replenishing my heart and my soul. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reflections of my journey this past year

As I sit here, procrastinating on my homework & laundry, "Written Promises, Series 1" is almost competed. I'm so EXCITED to see what God has done in me over this past year with taking on such a big project!! I'm reflecting now on what has been accomplished through out the process of painting this 38x48" piece of art.

First let's see where God had me before I actually started painting. Here is a from when the process of my thinking were made clear: Written Promises. That was January 5, 2010 when I posted this urge... nay desire to create something that I've never created before. As well, this illustration is the largest that I have ever done or taken on, and actually completed.

The next blog entry seems that it needed to be posted before the one I posted the link too above... HA HA

Because it speaks about finding the perfect size canvas... that was 30x40"s, but I ended up with a much bigger one (Okay... not that much bigger.... but it is bigger). I go into more detail about the specifics on things that I will need to buy for this project. But it also talks about the easel that I found at Bills Art Supply store in Oxford. This was before Bill passed away. A bitter sweet memory, because this man was extremely nice and very passionate about art (of any kind).

Here's the Link to that: More about the illustration, "Written Promises"

This next link really shows me that in painting this illustration, God has done some pretty sweet things in my life!! It shows me where I was at the start of painting this piece and where I am at now. See when I started the tiny, baby steps of starting this masterpiece, I was dealing with A LOT of hurt!! Going through the process of closing those doors, one by one, that allowed the torture in my heart and mind, I did it by seeking out God's promises, speaking life into those lies, reading daily about his love, and most importantly taking my needs, cares, and desires to Him did I only really ever over come the negatives that were resounding in my mind.

When I read, Watching Paint Dry, I can not help but get emotional. I remember being at this place... to well may I add. But I can also look back and see the foot prints in the sand of where I know I was not walking; but I know that God was carrying me. I rest in the fact that I am never, ever alone!! I know that I am a highly favored chosen woman of God. That said, I don't want to dismiss the fact that I am human, and I know that I fall daily. But I can rest in the reassurance that my God gives me the grace to see the next day, and forgiveness that I can face tomorrow no matter the battle.

Okay.... back to Written Promises...

This next entry is pretty light beat. No heavy! And there is Pictures of the process so far! When I got to this point I realized soon that this project wasn't going to be just one illustration. As a matter of fact it will be a series of illustration, the next one that I'm gonna be painting is still manifesting in my brain, heart and most importantly prayers. I'll blog about that when it's ready to come to fruition of words. But for now enjoy the pictures!! Written Promises

For now I'm about 1 to 2 hours away from "Written Promises, Series 1," being totally complete!! What's next? Well, the oil paint has to dry... I'm guessing it will take probably a few weeks. Then it's going to a framing shop to be framed and have the anchors attached so it can be hung in my church. Then will be a night of dedication and worship,

My guess about when the dedication ceremony will be is in March sometime? I'm not to that point as of yet.

My question to y'all.... Do you want to see wat it looks like RIGHT NOW?! This has been a very long time coming (the longest I've ever worked on a painting, lol). A lot of prayer, mediation, and time has gone into this!! Not to mention the oil paint that has found it's way to my bath towels (totally by accident), a few shirts, my jeans, and there is oil paint on my bed sheets (I guess I got crazy one day? I have no clue how it got there). Oh, and I can't forget my dad's green Mt. Dew t-shirt.... yeah he backed up into a side of it and now he's got an orange carrot like figure with a green toper (leaves) in the center of the back.

Okay I'll stop rambling...

Here it is.... Not 100% finished, though it may look like it.

If you're thinking, "I thought you wrote words... scripture on it?" I did.... did you not click on the attached links of my past postings? So now are you wondering, "Well, I can't read it?" That's easy.... YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TOO!! But... if you had a little knack for the books that made up a 3D illusion... you maybe able to see the words "God's Promises" written in the middle (actually it's in the middle but the G & the P are at the lower part of it). Easy way to pick out promises, there's the "O" that looks like an Easter Egg.... it's Red, yellow, blue, and pink. You should be able to get the rest from there.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Small things done with great love, will change the world

In 1998 I was in an automotive accident that left me to be in a coma for four weeks. I remember when I was in the “waking up” stage of my coma, my night sitter or someone told me that I was the cause of the four deaths in my accident and they were all my family, and basically that I was a murderer. Waking up from my coma with a traumatic head injury, I was not in the correct mental capacity. So, imagine telling a 5-year-old that she killed her two sisters’ and her little sister’s best friend. Would she understand and if she did what kind of reaction would she have? I didn’t know who I was, where I was, or what was going on. I remember being alone in my hospital room for the rest of the evening. I began to cry. Somehow, somewhere I knew the blood of the Lamb saved me from the pits of Hell. Wondering why me, what did I do to deserve this? I remember it being so cold in my hospital room, so cold that I had about all the blankets on the floor on me, and yet I was still shivering. I began to cry harder, asking as loud as I could “God, don’t you love me?” “I gave my life to you.” “How could you do this to me?” “I thought you were supposed to keep me safe?” “Why? Why?” I questioned my faith, and him. I was hurt in all ways, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then I remember my hospital room getting so unbelievably warm, and comfortable, and a feeling of love. Then I heard this voice, “Fontaine, do not fear for I am here. Through me all things are possible. You will live through this, and you will be great… but through me.” He was gone when my nurse came in to see what was wrong and to give me my medications. That night that God spoke to me was what I believe my “Ah-Ha” moment of exactly who God is.

Being raised in a Christian family from birth, I have always “known about” God. As a child and going to Vacation Bible Schools, I asked the Lord to come and live inside of me. Honestly, I think I did it for show and to say “Yeah, I am a member of the family now too. I belong here.” I do not think that I fully understood what it meant to live as Christ and to love as Christ until my “Ah-Ha” moment I had in the fall of ’98. In forming my relationship with my one true God, I have learned a lot about the love that God offers to us as well with a lot about myself. One thing that I still find myself realizing every other second is that God desired to have a relationship with us so he sent his one and only son to build that bridge over the gap between us, by dying for our sins. Yeah, that still gets me every time I think about it. I can now say that I know the Lord and not just know about the Lord. “Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.” Ephesians 3:12

Most Christians have a heart for service to others that are less fortunate than ourselves. We are in constant communication with the Heavenly Father. I help with many different community service groups. I, as well, go on various mission trips in and out of the country. People in this cultural group fellowship with others by going to faith based events such as; church, contemporary Christian concerts, go to different sporting events and conventions. As well, Christians enjoy fellowshipping in the community spreading the love of Christ to others in a practical way. Practical ways are simply being there to pray for those who are sick, or being a shoulder for someone to cry on. Even lending a simple ear to listen to some one vent out their frustrations (good, bad, indifferent). It is even as simple as making a turkey sandwich with cheese and mustard and handing it to someone who is hungry and saying “God loves you.” With absolutely no strings attached. We as humans are relational beings, meaning we were meant to have relationships with others. Christians desire to work with all and any types of people. Race, religion, political agenda, sex, handicap, and everything else alike that makes us different from each other does not factor in to our motivations.

In the Christian culture we are generally described as Christians, we are even separated by our denomination: Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Anglican/Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Non-denominational, etc. Some of our characteristics that are similar but we are all very different, we all share in the love and acceptance of Christ. All of the denominations agree on some basic things the Bible, and the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Though there are a lot of various types of people in the world today, there is no visual distinct way of picking out a member of this culture group. We are people just like those who are not apart of the culture, and we are not perfect. We are able to recognize that within ourselves. People who do not belong in this culture group see some of the denominations that are within the group as “Bible Thumpers,” “Crucifix wearing,” “Jesus Freaks ,” “Holy Rollers,” or “Shout you down” Christians. However, as I said above we are our own entire individuals. I know that I have a servant’s heart, and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve all the time. I like to help where I can and even if I cannot. I know a lot of people who are not like this. They like to go unnoticed, or “fly-under-the-radar” and just do things behind the scenes. The negative views that people who are not Christian, and are the outsiders looking in, do sometimes get the wrong opinion of how a true Christian really acts, especially when they see our faults in the limelight. In which case I hope that person that is calling them self a Christian will make their actions correct when they see them self, acting like a fool. No, I do not think that this judgment of the Christian culture is justified. Rather than from all the hypocritical Christians that smear the good name of God have actually put a negative taste, if you please, in the mouths of non-believing people of the Christian faith.

Most church services are on Sunday mornings and evenings. However, a few churches have services on Saturday nights with a few on Sunday mornings. So they can accommodate those who have busier work schedules, or have kids where Sunday mornings are very hard to get them moving. The Christian culture also celebrates two specific holidays to remember both the birth of Jesus Christ who is the Son of God, and for the death of Jesus Christ and three days later rose again, and is alive today. Both holidays are Christmas and Easter. Many people of this culture have what we call Bibles in our homes. Some have only one that they study rigorously, or there are some people who have two, three, or even four Bibles that are in or around their house. I know for a fact that I have four different versions of the Bible that are all written in different translations, so that I can better study the word and apply it to my life. The Bible is not a “How to” book, but more like a map. As well with the Bible there are different types of music genres that is of this culture. There is gospel, southern gospel, Christian instrumental, Praise and Worship, Christian music for kids, Bluegrass and Country, or my favorite Contemporary Christian (pop) Music. Many different radio stations play this music; some even play only a specific genre. As well there are a variety of Christian authors who write books on specific subjects like, faith, fear, love, what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, weight loss, living in freedom, and numerous bible studies. That being said there are also many other authors who write fiction stories that are action, love, and faith based. From these stories I have found myself falling in love with God over and over again because I look at his passion to be in relation with us. Granted fiction is not true, but, even to begin to entertain the thought that I could be the person that the story is about and have someone fight so hard to “win my heart” or to pursue me, even to help me throughout the story is so heartwarming. Different scriptures of the bible as well that painted, printed, or even etched into an art piece that someone could hang on their wall or in a dorm is in a sense an artifact that they could use for encouragement through any circumstance.

I know that being a member of the Christian family, or faith has help to shape me as a daughter, a sister, a woman, a student, and most importantly as a member of the Christian faith because of through various things that I have had my faith tested in. I am still growing in the knowledge of just in fact who God really is and what His purpose is for my life. Through some of the things that he continually reminding me of or has tested me on is that I need to seek him in all things. Pray without ceasing, and, always to endure through the battle, whether it is physical, spiritual or even emotional. Perseverance builds faith in all circumstances. For example, when I was in my accident I did not have all the reasons why I needed to endure such trauma, but the desire that I had to get me where I needed to be to be able to get back to where I once was in life was all I needed for the mental strength to keep on enduring and pushing through to the ability to be able to walk again. Another time was in 2002, when my mother passed away. My world felt like it was just collapsing with me still standing in it. One thing that helped me was holding on to my Heavenly Father’s garment to help lead me through that dark and depressing time. I have learned to praise him for every circumstance, and this is still a struggle for me everyday as well. I know and have the faith in him for his reasons behind everything I have gone through and I am going to go through.
The statement, “Small things done with great love, will change the world” the Vineyard Community Church in Springdale Ohio, has on their building is a strong statement. I find that living your faith outwardly focused is more practical than just saying it. Showing your faith through your actions, and service to others is proof that Christians just do not serve via lip service. I got that when my relationship with God grew into what it is today. My heart is more outwardly focused than it was before my “Ah-Ha” moment in ’98. It is through my words, actions, and service to others that I hope that non-believers would see Christ living inside of me. It is my hope that people see and know that I belong to the Christian Cultural Group.

Iceology of 2012

First off.... I don't like the new set up for this site.... I've created a new "Blog" post site... area... SOMETHING and do not know HOW to delete it!!! ARGH!!!!

Okay now on to last night...

Had a FANTASTIC  time with a rather large group of friends at Dave N' Busters last night. However, may not have been the most wisest decisions because of the horrific ice storm last night. But none the less had a great time with some pretty amazing people, as well made a new friend... Paul Nichols. 

I unfortunately was terrified of the ice falling so I left at 10 PM... pretty much mid conversation or "hanging out" with my friends and new friend. I felt bad... but once I got on the road.... I was driving in a total NIGHTMARE!!

Those who know me, know that cars have a conspiracy against me. I'm, I guess you could say, famous for wrecking cars... in so many words. This was NOT my play tonight!!!

Like I said above I left D&B at 10 PM... I took Princeton Glendale (St Rt 747) to HWY 129. I had planned to by pass all the resounding chances at crashing into the Miami River on Liberty Fairfield, or putting my car in ditch on St Rt 73 (or anywhere else that it's extremely windy or hilly of a road). But, as I'm coming into Hamilton at the light with 129 and Hampshire Dr... it is TOTALLY lit up with red tail lights of stopped cars!!! I sat there for 15 minutes... didn't move an INCH... at a total stand still. So I turned onto Hampshire Dr then on to Princeton road. Worse decision ever!!! By now it's past 10:30 PM and I'm still in my car... sliding on ice!! I'm on Princeton just before Rose Hill Cemetery and I see on the opposite side of the road as me two cars inverted in the ditch (making a "V" shape with both cars). I'm thinking to myself... gosh that's gotta suck!! I start pleading with the Lord to get me home safe... 

The car infront of me has been stopped now for a good 5 minutes. I'm hearing this squealing noise and seeing smoke coming from their tires (mind you I'm about 2 car lengths from this van infront of me). I want to keep a SAFE distance from all of the motor vehicles so that I'm not forced into an accident that will be out of my hands and control (yet again... my accident in August). Since I've been pretty much stopped... I too start attempting to go... and my tires just spin... as well as the van's. 

By now it's creeping up on 11 PM. For a SOLID 10-15 minutes I'm scooting in my car as if it will help my car go any further on pavement that is covered in ice... yeah didn't help at all. It took me this amount of time to go maybe 20 yards? I finally come up on New Life Vineyard's parking lot, and think to myself, "Maybe if I get here I'll be safe?" then think, "Crap it's COLD out... and I don't want to sleep in my car?!"

So my pleading with God earlier to get me home safely soon turned into.... "God, please just get me to Walmart so I'll be warm, out of my car, and most of all SAFE?!" 

At about 11:15ish I pull into Walmart's parking lot!!! PRASIE GOD I'M SAFE!!!! I walk into the store and has this tall man who had salt & pepper hair if it was ok for me to hang out for a few hours to "wait" out the storm. I was told it was okay. So I grabbed me some magazines and grabbed a seat at the "Jackson Hewlett"  tax tables by the vision center. Then an employee of the store asked me if I wanted one of her cold coffee drinks. She explained to me that she purchased a 4 pack and wanted to give me one. She apologized that I wasn't able to get home. I told her that I would rather be safe, and know I was safe then try to drive home in that stuff (pointing outside). She told me that I could sit in their break room and watch TV, but I told her I would be fine sitting where I was and thanked her.

At about 12:30 AM I go out to the parking lot to see if things had calmed down or gotten worse.... It was like the entire parking lot was SOLID WHITE.... SERIOUSLY!!! Even with the lights in the lot on... could barely make out my yellow car.... and it's not because the glasses I'm wearing aren't the right script.  It was ice that was falling... not even in rain drop form... ice... white ice!!! CRAZINESS!!!!

So I go back to my borrowed chair and read some more magazines.... US Weekly, People, Cosmopolitan, OK... and a few others. At about 2:30 I go to see if it's let up, as well as as a few customers who were walking in... yes customers coming to shop at 2 in the morning... how the roads were. They told me as long as I took things slow it was ok. 

I made the decision that my bed sounded a lot better than this chair in a well lit store. I went and started my car to heat it up to help get the ice off of it. I soon remember that I only have one glove in my pocket... after two minutes of cleaning off the ice I make a decision to go get a pair of gloves. On my way back in to the store I ask a different gentlemen to watch my car to make sure someone didn't get into it or steal it. HA HA HA.... Frosty is going to take my car!! HA HA HA LOL

Okay get my gloves, clear my car... what next? How am I going to get home?

If I went Liberty Fairfield I would run the chance of loosing control of my car on the bridge and crashing into the Miami River... or going around some bends & hills in/on the road on St Rt 73 and put me in a ditch. 

I went right on Princeton Rd., Left on By Pass 4, Left on Rt 4, Right on High St. Right on St Rt 127, then Right on Wayne Milford.... home....

I didn't go over 20 mph the entire way. Some spots only 15 mph... and was getting passed by cars left and right!!! 

I got home at 4 AM this morning.... night of ice, being scared, and cold!!! But the night started out fun!!! 

Here's some pictures.... 

The first one is from Walmart's store doors!!!
 This one is from 127 after I had turned on it from High St!! Craziness!!!
 This one is on my road!! The worst of it all!!!! Yes, that's how dark my road is....