Sunday, March 18, 2012

Running inside my brain

A lot.... Ok, no that is not even close, a good comparison is the Grand Canyon's divide worth is how much is on is running in and out of my mind. It has been going and going and going since last Friday. 

It all started Thursday with me getting a pink slip from my post lady, telling me that I had some certified mail waiting for me at the post office (since no one was here to sign for it). So I leave early for work Friday morning so I could go and get what was waiting for my John Hancock at the post office. Low and behold it was from my so called attorney. The package was an 81/2x11 manilla envelope that was about an inch thick. Walking back to my car I open it to read the top letter telling me that, "I withdraw and terminate the legal representation."  Basically, he fires me. Inside the envelope was the documents that I SUPPLIED TO HIM during the time he so called represented me. All he did was PUSH PAPER around to seem like he was doing something. He did not do a thing for me. No matter how much you say he "did," I really beg to differ.  

When I got back to my car I called a friend who I go to church with. I had found out the previous Sunday that he's an attorney. I felt bad because we have spoken numerous times, and I never asked once what he does for a living. I guess it didn't matter? I digress.... I called him and told him what I had just received. He then asked me some questions regarding the accident.... details that can be found here. Then we set it up to meet up in his office tomorrow morning at 9:30 AM to talk about the details further. 

I gotta be honest here.... I am not really looking forward to this. Reasons being that I've spoken to a few different lawyers about my case to see if they would take it on and they told me "No." 

This jack of spades had me do somethings that I'm regretting. I.e. Hire a guy (who is by all means nice and great) to reconstruct the accident... but he cost me about $1600's to hire. Then this "attorney" told me that there was at least a $500 filing fee to get my case into the court for a judge and jury to hear. Not to mention that to depose the man who reconstructed the accident was $150's and my chiropractor was about the same, to be paid by myself. HUH?! WHAT! I am STILL paying on that $1600's bill and he wanted me to do what? 

Ok I'm still going out on a tangent.... but back to my running in my brain. 

I'm worried... and I know that it says in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." 

I don't know what I am too do? Looking the bills and where they currently sit.... I owe about $5000's in medical bills, $900's to the accident re-constructionist (minus what I've already paid to him which is $700's), and I've paid my deductible to get my car fixed $250's, and then what my insurance paid out to get my car fixed $2557.31. 

Do I go ahead and hire my friend to represent me, and still pay him 30% when I've done all the leg work already.... I just need the representation now? I know I need to put it before the Lord, lay it at His feet and NOT pick it up. I need peace right now.... A LARGE amount because it doesn't stop just at this.... 

I'm posting two blogs tonight because the next one is about an entire different thing of worry... 

Oh the joy... Not really.... that's just sarcasm 

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