Friday, June 20, 2014

Class day: Well-Being of the Child

Since I'm posting blogs the day after the day things happening.... Here's yesterday's blog before I got to bed.

Transitioning to a new culture, and my ideas about well-being in the US and in the UK.....

Well, things here are still catching me a little off guard. And it's little things. But I may not be use to the "night life" because it's not really my type of scene. However here in Camden Town.... It's like second nature. It's LOUD too. During the day I've tended to notice that the streets (however so lined with a lot... no a bunch.... wait that's not it.... 100S!!! of people) are tentatively clean clear of "rubbish" as they call it here, or garbage as we would call it, but at 5-6 PM the shops close and out comes the people who live it up at night, and the streets are trashed!!! But in the morning.... they are clean! I don't think I'm having any trouble with the time exchange (yet), but that first night I was here.... I was Ms Grouch, and SUPER emotional because I was so tired. I think I fell asleep by like 8:30/9 PM London time (5 hours ahead of all of you back in the states). When you go out to eat at a nice restaurant we are accustomed to leaving a tip of any kind for the service or lack of service, and the wait staff makes their living based on tips. Here in London.... Nope... no tip.... at all (unless they seriously go above and beyond). They make a an hourly wage just like the person working in the grocery story or a clothing store. Which is find to be nice, but totally weird. As well, the cops you see on the streets and out in the eye of the public... they don't carry guns of any kind. There is a special task force that does, but is rarely ever needed. Cops don't normally get shot here in London. If one does it's head lining news for weeks. Pepper spray is totally illegal, it carries a 14 year jail sentence if you are caught with any - just like if you are caught with ANY weed!!! WOW!!!!

A group of us went out to KoKo's (a dance club) last night.... it was fun.... but really seriously crowded (all 3 floors and the balcony)... worse than standing room only. However, totally relaxed and everyone having fun!!! When we went out on the dance floor - EVERYONE WAS SIMPLY DANCING!!! NO grinding... of ANY KIND going on what so ever!! Just dancing!! It was nice!!! Everyone in the Miami Group has been talking about that ALL day!!! That is NOT like the US in any of the clubs there. You get weirdos grinding up on you even if you don't want them too. (I remember from my sister's bachelorette party).

But earlier, during the day; we had our first official class. Which was amazing!! There was a woman by the name of Sonia Jenkins, who works as a Social Worker here in London, and is HUGE on the children's well-bing and their safety. She was EXTREMELY knowledgeable, and forthcoming about any and all information about her job (the ups and downs about it too).

The Legal Framework of Child Protection here in England came about with the Children Act in 1989 and then again in 2004. Here is how it's broken down:

  • Sec. 17 - Recognizes a child in need. London is HUGE on giving training and multiple chances to families to keep that child(ren) with their biological parents. Be it through more intense parental training classes, helping them with finding a job or better housing, providing healthier food choices, etc. So the child is not removed from their parent's care/or their house. 
  • Sec. 47 - Recognizes that the child(ren) are in need of protection, therefore the child is removed from the house. But not from the family unit, they are able to go live with grandparents, aunts/uncles, older siblings, etc. for a short period of time, or permanently, while the social worker attempts to get the parent help in what ever fashion needed.
  • Police Protection - This is a 72 hour child(ren) removal from the home into a safer place. The police has 72 hours to build their case, then the child goes home. 
  • Emergency Protection - This is to take the child(ren) out of the dangerous situations at home on a (I think) permanent basis.  
The over view of abuse in the UK in 2013
  • Neglect = 17,930
  • Emotional Abuse = 13,640
  • Physical Abuse = 4,670
  • Sexual Abuse = 2,030
    • ALARMING that more numbers aren't reported.
    • London still has that statute that if someone hears something is happening with a child, be it a teacher, coach, administrator, doctor, neighbor, they have a choice to report to social services or not. Most times people opt not to report it. Which is why that number is so low!!!
System over view for Children's Services
Tier 1 = Enquiry.... Basically questions are asked, from parents, doctors, school admin and teachers, neighbors, etc about the child.

Tier 2 = Intervention - Information on what the findings came out to be and does this child have needs that aren't being fulfilled by the parent(s) - The child's needs are to be met within 24 hours of learning what they are specifically.

Tier 3 = Specialist - External services the child may need for long term care, Foster placement, adoption, health services, etc.

Their Assessment "framework"

 For Low Level Supports:
  • Housing
  • Low Risk Cases
  • Support
  • NO intervention Required
On Going Intervention:
  • Harm to child evidence
  • Potential harm to child, without intervention
  • Family Support/Monitoring 
For the most part the US and the UK have things aligned in how they care about a child's well-being. But there are a few that don't exactly level out, which I find to be some what odd but over all working for the most part in most cases. However, the UK still has those few cases that make you think "How could nobody say anything if they knew this was going on?!

Ms. Sonia Jenkins has her work cut out for here. But her passion to make a difference in the lives of the children that she comes in contact with, shows that she is the MOST POWERFUL advocate that any child could have. Doing something so small for a child, could be the BIG difference that changes that child's perspective on their life so that they can grow up healthy, strong, and love themselves!!!

Ok... Enough seriousness... time for pictures!!!!

My two professors too all of us out to dinner at an Indian place.... I liked the bread on my meal. It was a little spicy - but tolerable. Then I tried the potato goo in the middle of it and hated it! So I got something else. No picture of it though.... I was starving by time I got it.

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