This past Friday my plans were really scattered. Last Sunday at church David Maynard, the owner of the campground "Pleasant Vineyard Ministries," made an announcement about an art retreat going on this weekend at the camp. They had something like this like 2 years ago, I remember that I wanted to attend it then too, but was unable to do so. So I approached him about attending this weekend.... Long story short... I did go.
But that isn't the odd... ok not odd. Let's say SLAP in my face, telling me that I should go. All day I had been bouncing back and forth, then juggling a bunch of ideas for "Friday night festivities." In the forefront of my mind was this retreat, but then the fact that I had NOTHING packed... clothes, bedding, bathroom materials, as well as my acrylic art supplies; including brushes, paper towels, etc. As well, I needed to find a book that I was willing to turn it into something different. So I guessed, or "made my mind up not to go" (because I wasn't ready to go). Kinda bummed, I had settled on going to small group that's on Friday nights, because I hadn't been in at least 2 months (school reasons, and lack of cash for gas). But then something really odd happend, or should I say devine. My last friend (student) left at like 4:30, and I spent like 30-45 minutes closing my room. I even double checked things TWICE. So I clocked out at like 5:15 PM. So I made a phone call to my friend David to see if everything was still standing with his offer to me.
I had time to go home, change my shirt, and I grabbed three books: Crazy Love, and my two books of poetry that I've written in over the past 5 years. In the back of my mind I really didn't want to take apart these two books, but I grabbed them any way.
Going to the camp, turns out that it's only like 10 minutes from my house!! So I actually got there at like 6:30ish. How can I say that I wasn't ment to be there?
The name of this retreat was: Spiritual Awakenings; A Creativity Retreat
When I got there during the time when Trisha McKinney was giving us the run down on what exactly we'd be doing, I really realized I did not want to do what was being talked about doing to our books. Everybody else had books that were hard-backed, had thick pages, etc... I then realized that I did have a book that I could use. It was the Beth Moore book Living Free. I had this book in the trunk of my car right after I graduated from SAA. So we are talking that it's been in my car's trunk for like 7 years.
While everyone else was prepping their books/pages; I was taking everything out of my trunk to find this book. In the midst of my search I started have a little freak out attack because it wasn't exactly where I thought I had seen it last. It was under the "fold" out seat that I won from the American Heart Association's "Walk-a-thon."
Since I didn't have anything else with me so all I did was just prep for actually painting the next day.
This was the name tage that Trisha made for us:
Now I didn't get the entire book completed. But I did get a few pages finished, as well as I got a good head start on 3 other pages.
This is the cover:
These next two pieces are on both sides of the book. As well I've covered all the words except for 7: "Ministry, Guiding believers, God, I will, Pray, Abundant Life."
As well in my gesso that I painted as my base I wrote in the wet paint, on the right side; "We are" & the left side; "Forever love."
The next one I actually cut from the book as a free piece of paper. I reenforced the page with a thicker piece of paper and covered one side in gesso. I attempted so much with this paper, and I never liked what it came out to be. This being said, this piece was actually my first attempted at this new style of painting. It's still not finished. But you can see what it is now. I originally had a lot of words picked out for this page. But now there is only one word that, technically, not painted, but it accidentally kinda is, "Relying."
This next one came out, I think rather, cool! The main idea of this page was "Strongholds." The title pf this page in the book was, "Demolishing Strongholds" and I liked it, so I kept it. A well, "A Mighty Fortress, Strong, Did not have to be afraid." And scripture, "With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth" and "The Lord is my light... whom shall I be afraid."
The next one I used leaves on, Halloween Spider Webbing (which I took off when it was dry), tape used for drywalling (it has tiny holes in it, I don't know what it's called exactly), and wrote in the we gesso "Your my all and all" (and I just realized that's poor grammer.... crap). The words I left visible "Belief, Believer, and Holy Spirit"
This next one may or may not be competed? I'm not exactly sure... but the words that I left unpainted are: "Trustworthy and relationship"
The last two pages that I started are not finished :o(
But I think they look pretty good so far! These two pages are actually in the book where as the last 3 I actually cut/ripped out of the book.
The words that are in these two pages are: "Purpose, Jesus, love, and happy" on page 1st
Then on the 2nd page: "Promising, determination, powerful, and Hallelujah."
What I found very interesting was the fact that the word that I got for this retreat was "Purpose." I have a feeling that I'm suppose to get back to my painting?
Oh I want too.... so badly. But the time right now that I do have... or not is completely soaked up by work, school, and homework. Speaking of which I have two pages to write for my MTH 116 A class group data analysis by tomorrow night (need to be DONE.... ready to merge with my groups corresponding 4 pages). BLAH.... ARGH.... freaking out a bit.... BLAH.....
I haven't felt centered, relaxed, able to totally be one with the Father for a while!!! I SO NEEDED THESE PAST TWO DAYS!!!! That word "Purpose" to me means that I am where I am suppose to be. That God has a devine purpose for this specific time in my life. And all the aggravation that I deal with pertaining to my course work, scheduling test times with both ODR and my job, tutoring (for SPN 101), meeting up with Butler Co. Disability Services (to see about help with costs of school), and an entire variety of other things; it all has meaning. I need to slow down and savor each step, test, discussion (with any one about anything), and take in every little thing (Color, tone (musical or not), emotion, experience).