Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Brother's Harassment with Butler County Sheriffs and Hamilton City P.D.

This is Tim's (my younger brother) letter to Channel 9 News:

Dear Channel 9 News:

I purchased my 2005 Ford Mustang in 2008 a year after the first Transformers movie came out in theaters. Being a huge fan of this blockbuster movie I decided to “transform” my car into a Decepticon: Barricade, a police car. I started in the redesigning process of my car not too long after I bought it. Every emblem, the light-bar, & all of the badges/tags are an exact replica from the movie car and as well does not specify any city, county, or state law enforcement agency. Stephanie Baldwin called the sheriff office in Hamilton Ohio to find out if having a functional light bar on my car was okay. The Clerk told her that as long as I don’t operate it on public roads that it would not be a problem.  
In July of 2012 my father, Stephanie, and I took my mustang and my father’s mustang (as well is an ’05) to Myrtle Beach, SC to the annual Mustang Week. Where mustangs from all over the United States convene to show off the vast collections of these amazing cars from all over. The three of us had to drive through 6 different states to get to this car show; we had no conflict with city, county, or state police during our travels.
October 5, 2012 around 1:00 PM, I was pulled over by a Butler County Sheriff to talk with me about my car. He asked me if I had talked to anybody about the decals and the light bar I told him that we called the sheriff’s office and checked. He asked me details about what I have done to the car and if he could see everything turned on. He said that my car was pretty impressive that I was able to do all the upgrades myself and that he really liked it; he sent me on my way without a ticket, warning or suggesting that I take anything off.  Then on October 13, 2012, my father (Robert Selby), and girlfriend (Stephanie Baldwin), and I attended a car show in Xenia, Ohio. I was in a car accident right after the car show and a State Highway Patrol Officer, Timothy Bullock, was called to the scene. The Officer at the scene told me that he would have to check into the car to see if what I had on my car was ok to drive. He came back and stated that everything was fine and that there were no laws being broken. 
My car had not been driven from October 13, 2012 until January 2013, due to being in the shop for repairs.
I had my car back for maybe a few weeks in early-mid February, when I was on my way back from watching my niece and was pulling right out of McDonalds parking lot onto Washington Boulevard. I went up to the light on the corner of Washington Boulevard and Eaton Avenue in the Left turning lane with my left turn signal on. It was right around midnight when I was sitting at the red light a Butler County Sheriff pulled up behind me, and a Hamilton City Police officer to my right.  Sitting at this light for about 3 minutes when the Hamilton City P.D. backed his car up to the Butler County Sherriff and talked. When the light turned green I proceeded to turn. The Hamilton Police Officer pulled behind the Sheriff and the Sheriff and Police Officer pulled me over. I put my flashers on and pulled into the Hamilton High School parking lot so that we were out of the street. All of a sudden I noticed that there was five police cruisers at the scene, 3 Hamilton City Officers and 2 Butler County Sheriffs. I felt like they thought I had just committed a serious crime and I still had no idea why they were all pulling me over. All of the cruisers had their spotlights on my car and myself.  Officers were reaching inside my car and banging on the light-bar and one even said, “Off the record I like your car,” and the Hamilton City Officers stood by taking pictures of my car with their cell phones. The Sheriff was shining a flashlight on my light bar trying to see what color the lights were. When I was asked to get out of my car, the Butler County Sherriff gave me a “pat down” looking for weapons, or paraphernalia which took him about 10 seconds. I complied with everything that was asked of me, all but permission to search my car. I remained calm when answering all of the interrogating questions that were extremely random. I was harassed by five police officers that night for no reason at all. I was not doing anything wrong! Then the Sheriff wrote me a ticket for a CRIMINAL CHARGE that was still under a minor misdemeanor and threatened to tow my car if him or his fellow officers ever seen it on the road again. As well it took this officer a good 10-15 minutes to actually write this ticket.  Our community is trying to prevent bullying and that was all that they were doing. I was sent to court on February 28, 2013 where I pled Not Guilty to the charge. From there they set a court date for April 2, 2013 where it was continued, due to the magistrate having another case to hear. It was then continued to April 9, 2013 where it was then continued to May 14, 2013 do to the Officer who wrote the ticket did not show up. While all this time I was unable to drive my car. Then on May 14, 2013 the Officer who charged me did not show up to court again so the case was dismissed.  State Trooper Timothy Bullock was summoned to court on my behalf to testify that my car was not illegal to drive at all two hearings, as well he appeared all two times and was happy to help me out in this predicament.
            May 20, 2013 three officers came to my house to take a family member into questioning, before they had all left they stopped and talked with me about my car. They stated that there was nothing illegal about my car and they complimented me on all of my hard work and heart that I have put onto the car. They even said that they would rather have my car to patrol around in, than the cruisers they currently had.
            On May 22, 2013 I took my girlfriend to her moms work to pick up her check that was sent to her moms house. On our way there I passed THREE cop cars; 1st was directly behind me going towards the Hamilton Freshman building coming from New Miami then drove beside me and did nothing. The 2nd one was Turning at a light coming towards me and did nothing. The 3rd one was at Speedway Gas station on the corner of Washington Boulevard and Eaton Avenue (the same corner where I was pulled over and harassed by the 3 Hamilton City Officers, and the 2 Butler County Sheriffs) pulling into a pump right next to me, the officer said nothing to me, as well did nothing to acknowledge even my existence. It was pretty obvious, myself and my car was not breaking any laws by simply being.
            We were home for approximately 15-20 minutes, which would make it around 5 o’clock, a Butler County Sheriff pulls into my driveway.  The first thing that the Officer asked me was what agency I had worked for. Not the usual “Were you driving this vehicle in (blah, blah, blah – listing of the place and time of concern). It could have been my father driving my car, it’s in his name, or it could have been my girlfriend, or any of my five brothers and sisters, but no he automatically assumed that “I” was the one driving because he had a “so called” witness. But not wanting to cause any trouble or give any suspicion of being noncompliant, I responded with “I do not work for one sir.” He had to ask me that because there is NOTHING on my car that has to do with any jurisdiction of police officers.  The officer then started going on about how he had a “witness” willing to testify that I had ran two red lights and was doing double or even triple the speed limit in a school zone by the high school. My girlfriend was in the car with me when I was accused of running these red lights. Hamilton High School was let out at 1:30 P.M. for an early dismissal. Stephanie drove through this school zone on her way home from work at Fort Hamilton, when the lights were on, letting cars know to slow down and watch for pedestrians.  The only school zone that had active school zone lights, was at Fillmore on Main, Street and I was going with the flow of traffic at 16-18 mph. Again, my girlfriend was in my car and is a witness to that. 
            The Officer that came to my house told me that he was giving me a verbal warning, as well he asked me if I thought that having the word “Police” on the side of my car and a light bar made me feel beneficial to all the other citizens by speeding, doing U-turns and running lights? He had not witnessed me doing any of that; therefore he has no right to accuse me of it. I told him “No sir I do not. I have not broken any laws because I did not run through red lights or speed through a school zone.” I also told him how I wanted to become a Hamilton Police Officer and tried State Highway patrol but that wasn’t for me. The officer told me that I will not get anywhere with all of that on my car and suggested that I take it all off. But he also stated earlier in the conversation that I was not breaking any laws with what was on my car. So why would I have to take everything off if he stated that there was no issue at first? This Officer did not see me commit anything wrong nor did he have the right to come to my own home to harass me over something that is merely “hear-say,” again if there was even a witness. The Officer would not even listen to what I had to say. When I tried to speak, explain, or even ask a question he always interrupted me by putting up his right hand (as if to stop me mid statement) and stated that “he knew the law” and I apparently did not.
            My family and I are not putting up with this ridiculous situation anymore. They are criticizing me as a bad person when I have built this car for kids and the enjoyment of others. I have taken my car to a middle school where I let kids see my car and sit inside. This whole idea was for the kids. Kids go to car shows with their parents all of the time and I figured a replica of Barricade at a car show would be interesting for kids and it is; parents and teens are also very interested in my car and I am always receiving compliments. I always let kids and adults sit in my car because I am doing this for them. 
What I don’t get or even begin to understand is why are the Butler County Sheriffs, and Hamilton City Police Officers harassing me about my car when there is nothing on there that is impersonating a police officer and myself having no intention on EVER impersonating a police officer? Your guess will be as good as mine.
            I’m tired of being hit left and right with an officer saying “Your car is fine to drive, I see no problem with it” and another officer pulling me over and finding any and every issue under the sun with my car and writing me a citation for what is so called illegal. Before any and all modifications were done to my car, I called and made sure everything I was doing was legal so I wouldn’t face all the ramifications that I’m currently dealing with. I haven’t been able to drive my car for well over 8 almost 9 months without dealing with some issue pertaining to my car. This has gotten old and extremely annoying. My car does not pose any threats it is for show. It is for children and adults. It is for the public to share in the fact that the Transformers movies were produced in a manor that all generations can enjoy. Can Channel 9 News help me shed some deeper light that bullying occurs EVERYWHERE in our society, even among police who are to protect and defend the people who pay their salaries for REAL crime.
            To get a hold of me please contact me at: 513.252.1239 or email him at

Thank you,
Tim Selby

May 25, 2013

Update: Tonight my father, my girlfriend and I went to a car show in Hamilton, at Rural King – in the Burger King parking lot on Main St. On our way there I was pulled over by a New Miami P.D. Unit who was headed in the opposite direction and turned his unit around to pull me over. The officer informed me that Butler County has a “Be on the look out” label on my car. Once this officer was finished informing me of this warning that Butler County has on my car, he advised me that he really liked my car. This officer tried to tell me that I “ran a red light” and that was the reason for him pulling me over when he clearly did a “U” turn when I wasn’t even near a traffic light. When I informed him of his “U” turn before the light he then confirmed with me that the reason he pulled me over was for “the code” that Butler County Sheriffs has put out on my car. THIS IS TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL, AND BECOMING TREMENDOUSLY MORE THAN JUST HARASSMENT… IT’S BORDER LINE ENTRAPMENT OR BETTER YET STALKING!!!

I have put together a powerpoint of pictures that I'm trying to attach to the email (but my computer is being stupid)