Sunday, August 28, 2011

Friday = A terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Friday was a day was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!

I was in a car accident on my way home from class that morning; which put the rest of the day in a fog for the most part. If the white truck that caused the accident didn't return to the scene, I would have been held liable for the accident. But thankfully she did return.

She was pretty much "Pacing me" or challenging me to race her all through New Miami, then when it turned into a 1 lane street she forcefully got infront of me. All the way through New Miami (when the road was a 2 lane road on both sides) she drove insanely!! When we got to Seven Mile she tried to drive like a bat out of Hell (forgive that analogy but it's was really like that).

Just out of Seven Mile when the center line became a doted line instead of the straight yellow she passed the Black Hyundai infront of her. However, she failed to look before she passed him, because there was a full sized red Semi-truck too close to pass someone comfortably. So she "gunned" the gas, at the same time she accelerated toilet seats came literally flying out of the bed of the truck as well as black smoke from her exhaust system. Afraid one of them would come down on my car I swerved to miss it.

At that point in time I thought there was a good car's length between me and the car in front of me (the car that she passed), the Black Hyundai. Or so I thought.... because he had slowed down to almost a complete stop because of the toilet seats flying out of her car. I slammed on my breaks (there was at least a small car's length between us, assuming b/c my skid marks are that long if not longer) but not soon enough. I hit the Black Hyundai.

What freaked me out even more, was the fact that they had a 2 month old infant in the car with them (thank the Father in Heaven she was buckled in correctly). This baby was so shaken up!!! I am still scared that there is something wrong with her because I haven't heard anything (like I'm gonna ya know?).

At the scene of the accident everyone appeared to be alright, just really thrown to the moon in back in a matter of seconds. The woman in the white truck (the person who was at fault) came back to collect her toilet seats that had "fallen" out of her truck. When she started to walk over to the evidence I turned to the grandma of the little 2 month old and told her that she's going to collect that and say she had no part in this. The grandma then yelled out to this woman, "Hey you, you better leave those right where they are... that's evidence!!!" The woman said back that she's just seeing where her stuff was (yeah right.... she was gonna collect them and leave!!). That's when the cops showed up.

After every thing was said and done the Deputy turns to me and says, "Now, on a normal traffic accident like this I would site you because you hit them (pointing the Black Hyundai) but this is anything but normal. We have series of events that happened leading up to the collision of the two car's" I'm thinking I'm still gonna be cited for it but then he says, "I'm not going to write you the ticket, she's getting it (pointing to the lady sitting on the bumper of her truck that'st now parked in a drive way). If you have ANY questions at all please call me, I work all weekend. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. Here's the report number, and your accident report will be ready on Monday."

After everything is said and done, I get home and I'm still a little frazzled. So I sit and talk to my dad a little bit about everything (Daddy came to my rescue when I called him from the scene- I love my daddy!!!!). I had to go to the Oxford Police Dept to get a background check for my psych class's for my field work, so on my way I stopped by a friend's house who owns an Auto body business to look at my car and write me up an estimate. I need to pretty much get an new front end!!! It's at the very least going to be $2000's!!!

Later on Friday night, I was still hurting. The pain levels kept climbing. If I was sitting still it stayed between a 6 and a 7. (1-10, 10 being the worst pain imaginable) However, if I sneezed (which as been happening a lot lately no thanks to Mother Nature) the pain level shot up to an 8 or a 9!! And HURT!!!! The Doc at the ER gave me some muscle relaxer.... that KNOCKS my little butt OUT!! So I can't take it when I have class, or when I have homework (like I have now....). So in pain I must sit for a bit to get it all done.... finished.... complete... you call it how it is.

As well, I have to go to court if this dumb woman (who thinks she's so hot of a driver) contests her ticket for driving like a crazy person.

Will the drama EVER end?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Locked out and don't know how to get back in

So I'm house/dog sitting at my cousin's for this week.

Friday night was my first night in this house. I kicked my flip flops off... and at my feet was Dakota. Their black lab/weenie dog mix. He ate one of them. I only brought 1 pair of shoes besides my work shoes. This was just the start of my night here.

I went to bed at like quarter till 11 PM. Angel, their yellow lab, was sleeping in the room on the floor. And like most men (he's a male) he snores.... LOUDLY. Sometimes when he's asleep he'll make a different noise (kinda like my random hick-ups that I'll make every so often) and he made a different noise that I'm not use to hearing. So I woke up really abruptly at 11:30 PM thinking someone broke into the house (even with the entire house locked up). I laid back down thinking that I forgot to do something. Like 5 seconds later I remembered; I forgot to turn off the sprinkler in the garden.

Angel followed me down stairs, and I went outside. Couldn't use my flip flops because one was ate up. So I went out in my bare feet. Turned the water off and went to go back inside to go to bed. But I couldn't get back in. The door was LOCKED!! I tried to undo the latch on the fence to go around front (thinking "crap how am I going to get back in?!") but I couldn't even open the gate (in the dark)!!!! I had to climb the fence to even get out of the backyard.

I get out front and the neighbor's house is pretty much all lit up in the front, so I think they are still up. I go over and ring their door bell 3 times for help. But no answer. I'm FREAKING OUT!!!! I have it in my mind that I'm going to be sleeping in my car for the night and calling for help in the morning. I go to my car and I lay the driver seat down, really seriously thinking that I'm stuck outside all night. Then I remember that they have a keyless entry on the garage, just gotta remember the code. I go and enter a 4 diget number in the thing. Wrong number. I walk back to my car and sit/lay down in it. Another number comes to mind, I enter it. Wrong number again. It's getting later and more later as I try this. I try again.... another WRONG number.

I go back to my car really thinking that I'm going to be sleeping in the car that night. So I put everything that was in my back seat in the front passenger seat. I take the zip up hoodie that I had in there to keep me warm during my summer classes under my head. I seriously attempt to see if it was at all possible to sleep in the back seat of my car. Yeah- no it didn't work at all!!! TOTALLY UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!

So I prayed HARD for God to help me remember that number. I knew that I knew it, because it's a number that I've seen as well as called before. About 5, 10 maybe even 15 min's later another number came to my head. That "short" amount of time though felt like FOREVER!!! I hurried out of my back seat of my car as fast as I could without hurting myself, and tried the number a few seconds later..... The garage door starts to open!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

I get back in and Angel is looking at me like, "Where did you go? And why did it take so long for you to come back?" As cute as a dog can be he was that x10!!!! We get back to bed way after mid-night....

Then the next morning I called Old Navy to see if they would mind me walking in bare foot, and explained to them why I would be. I had also taken the flip flops with me to attempt to walk in the store with some sort of shoe on my feet.

Saturday was a long day because of the events of the night before.