Okay I have been thinking about posting a blog about everything that's "floating" around in this head of mine. But I have no clue how to organize my thoughts.... so this is my brain totally pooping out in this...
Yesterday at work I totally had like 4-5 anxiety attacks!!! I am insanely busy!!! And I know this, but as well I have had like 4 of my really good friends tell me that I am, and that is sad. With me having work at Chick-fil-a (which is totally amazingly wonderful), with my 2 classes that I am in now (Educational Psychology and Theatre), trying to work my small business, as well still trying to stay committed to the out reach that I have vest at least 3 years of my life too (the Good Samaritan Run aka Good Sam Run). I miss all of my friends that both serve on the team as well with friends that we serve.
How busy am I? For example, I had to get stuff done at school (Miami University-Hamilton) when I got off of work the other day I had every intention of leaving work and going to school to get things done. However, I found myself driving home… for what? I have NO FREAKING CLUE!!!! What did I do? Change my clothes (that I had in my car ready to change into at work), and left again like 15 minutes later for Miami University-Hamilton. Pointless right? I know!!! I feel space less, yet everything that I am dealing with RIGHT now is going in one million different directions at the same time.
I am finding it extremely hard to focus on any one specific thing. I feel like my thoughts are like a wild loin that is exceedingly hard to train. Or it’s like my thoughts are on the Fortune 500 racetrack with like 100 other racecars competing for first place. ARGH!!!
I know what needs to get done…. But where do I even begin? I know, I know, I know “at the beginning” but where is that at?
For example… I have a paper do in my Theatre class next Wednesday and this paper has specifics. The rubric is very detailed in what has to be in the paper. Each paragraph is pretty much written out as to what is to be written in it (but in our words based on a local performance we went to) as well a word minimum and maximum (700-800). I started the paper a few days ago… and totally worked on the rest of it today (yes, with my thoughts going everywhere in my mind) and finished it. However my word count is 917…. 117 words OVER limit.
As well, tomorrow I am going to King Library in Oxford, Ohio to work “solely” on my Ed Psych project. And I have to seriously rock this out. On my mid-term I got a D… Not good at all. So the reason why I need to rock this out is because if I do well on my project (due Tuesday) and on my final exam (on Thursday at 4 PM), she will sorta “weigh” the two good (I’m praying they turn out to bee) things against the bad mid-term. So I gotta do it as best as I can.
3 of my classmates, who I have been paired with in my Theatre class, have to do our final performance together on Wednesday, which is a huge part of our final exam. The 4 of us have written a short 15-minute (I hope it’s that long) skit that we have to act out ourselves. On Sunday I have church in the morning (can’t wait to get recharged) then at 2PM the other 3 are meeting up with me at church so we can practice afterwards. I am a little scared because it is 3 guys (Leu, Bobby, and Caleb) and me (the only female). I am playing 2 different girls in my skit…. Meaning I have change my clothes for each 4 scenes with only a minute in between scene changes…. I’m figuring that I’ll wear the same black bottoms and throw on a different skirt for the last two scenes? I’m not even sure?
Like I said insane!!! And that’s just next 6 days!!!!
God please help me? Please?